Most of Dr. Sieberth’s patients come through a referral from their general dentist.
Because of this, there is a strong collaboration between your general dentist and Dr. Sieberth – an essential partnership to ensure orthodontic success. This partnership starts from the time of the initial referral and continues through the maintenance stage of treatment when all tooth movement is complete and stabilized. Collaboration and communication between your general dental team and your orthodontic team are essential elements to ensuring successful outcomes for your oral health.
Creating Strong Relationships
Dr. Sieberth’s office is proud of its strong relationship with several area dental practices. We think of these dentists as an extension of our office, and have built partnerships with them in order to create a situation in which our patients’ receive the absolute best care for their oral health.
We partner with dental offices based on their high level of ethics and quality of patient care. Most of our patients come through referrals from these offices.
If you are new in town or just looking for a general dentist you can trust, and would like to learn more about some of the offices we know and work well with. Have more questions? Feel free to call Dr. Sieberth’s office, and we will be happy to assist you.